This website looks promising. You have to register, but the search engine brings up some nice jobs and you can specify biotech, pharma, etc. Check it out and feel free to give feedback. I've fixed it so you can comment anonymously. Thanks for all the emails so far.
Labels: jobs
I payed to sign up and everything... I have not recieved any information for over 30 jobs I have applied for. Some over a month ago. Is everything a recruiting service?
If you've applied for positions and not heard anything, that's not unusual, depending on your qualifications. I think is best for people with some experience. What is your background? Sometimes, it's a recruiter advertising. In fact, many times it is. I'd contact medreps directly to see if there's a problem with the account.
Medreps has been around for a long time and their jobs are fairly good. With an improving industry, most employers and recruiters are switching over to,, and Beware of gorillamed, they are known in the recruiting industry as the most unethical website out there.
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